Performance reviews suck.

Voila is the antidote.

Without Voila
Performance reviews take weeks to write & edit
Vague feedback with few examples (if any)
Only once or twice a year, with recency bias
With Voila
Performance reviews are drafted automatically
All feedback is tied directly to work examples
Continuous feedback

Frictionless feedback

Voila makes it incredibly easy to give specific feedback on any piece of work in a few seconds and without interrupting your workflow

Automated reports, with examples

Voila groups the feedback around themes and automatically drafts performance reviews, backed by real examples and tied to real work

How it works


Set up your review process

Managers set up the review process for their team, based on the company's ladder & objectives


Collect tons of feedback with Voila

Team members provided feedback with Voila product suite, with clear incentives and closed feedback loops


Generate performance insights

Patterns that emerge across feedback generate insights that are included in perf reviews, tied to the example


Automate performance reviews

A performance review is drafted for each employee, managers only need to review it and submit it

Build a true performance culture

Voila empowers companies to build an actual performance culture, by tying all feedback to examples, and making work about work

Onboard & assess new employees rapidly

Collect feedback & schedule reviews for new employees at 30, 90 & 180 days, based on examples

Help your managers have difficult conversations

First-time managers often struggle to share tough feedback; Voila makes it easy with examples

Base your promotion decisions & PIPs on facts

Remove subjectivity by basing all your personnel decisions on facts and examples

Identify your actual stars, not the loudest in the room

By encouraging feedback from and for all, ensure that even introverts get a chance to showcare

Simplify your calibration process

We all hates calibration meetings; Voila makes them quick & painless through better data and analysis

Provide learning materials that actually help

Voila pairs feedback with learning materials actually relevant to the examples provided

Why we built Voila

Voila was founded by operators frustrated with existing performance tools like CultureAmp & Lattice. After hearing dozens of other CEOs/CPOs also complain, we decided to build the solution we want to use ourselves, in our own companies.

Tech company - 5,000 FTEs
My senior leadership team had to take two weeks off last year to complete their performance reviews. There has to be a better way.
Healtchare company - 150 FTEs
We have 150 employees, but only 20 pieces of feedback were given across the company last year.
Tech company - 1,500 FTEs
We got rid of CultureAmp because the reports they were sending us were completely useless for us.
Venture fund - 60 FTEs
We've been looking for a better solution to give feedback for several years. The existing tools just don't give us the flexibility we need.

Frequently asked questions

How can I integrate Voila into my company's workflow?
Voila integrates seamlessly into your company's workflows and processes, including your HRIS. It is meant to serve as your primary performance management solution, and includes integration with all major engagement and goal-setting solutions.
How does Voila compare to Lattice, CultureAmp, and other performance tools?
Feedback tied to work product (not just through text form)
Q&A feedback for detailed feedback (not just survey answers)
Automatically drafted performance reviews
Customizable cadence and feedback survey
Does Voila need access to my company's files and documents in order to link feedback and performance reports to the specific examples?
No. Voila does not require access to your company's confidential files. All feedback is tied to a source document link, but only users with access to the document can access the actual document through the link. This ensures that all feedback can be tied to a document while preserving anonymity.
Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Want to learn more or schedule a demo? Please contact the Voila team.